Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) – A CERT Program is a nationally-affiliated group that educates people about disaster preparedness for hazards that may impact their area and trains them in basic disaster response skills, such as fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization, and disaster medical operations. Using the training learned in the classroom and during exercises, CERT members can assist others in their neighborhood or workplace following an event when professional responders are not immediately available to help. CERT members also are encouraged to support emergency response agencies by taking a more active role in emergency preparedness projects in their community.
For more information on this CERT group, please go to their official website: – Official CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) website
You may also be interested in this website for general information: – Stay Safe's Guide to Disaster Preparedness
CERTS GO TO SCHOOL 2019 – Our latest group of CERTs are now in class to get officially sanctioned as CERTs. They will rejoin our group with the added skills they have learned in these classes or ones they wanted to refresh on.
MULTI AGENCY DRILL HOSTED BY OFD 2018 – Click HERE to see the latest video on Facebook from the Pinal County Sheriff's Office that took place on Sept 29, 2018 near San Manuel.

CERT DRILL – Tuesday, Aug. 8, 2017 – Oracle CERTs (Community Emergency ResponseTeam) held their monthly meeting and drill led by co-chair Doug Johnson. Their task was to review and check their CERT bag items. CERTs keep these bags handy in case they are called in an emergency so they are ready quickly.
There were also Certificates of Appreciation presented by the Pinal County Office of Emergency Management to those certs that volunteered at recent fires or events.
They included Susie Fairbanks, Kevin Armbrust, Susie & Collins Cochran, Barbara & Bernie Haas, Doug Johnson, David Harris and Dale Suter. We thank you for your service.

See MORE on the CERT TEAM in action:
INTERESTED IN BECOMING A CERT? Click HERE to find out more information.
On Saturday October 17th, Oracle firefighters and Oracle CERTs combined for a training exercise that was held at the Oracle Courthouse.
During a large disaster, CERTs can be requested by firefighters to assist with emergency operations. An important role that CER's provide is by setting up a place for firefighters to rest, cool off and re-hydrate.
The scenario for this drill was to respond to a simulated structure fire, with their CERT trailer and to set up a re-hab station, along with the firefighters doing what they do best...a fast attack on a fire.
At promptly 1300 hours CERTs were dispatched via text message and they responded to the fire station from their homes. Within several minutes a dozen or more CERTs had arrived, divided into teams and selected team leaders. Transportation decisions were made, the CERT trailer was deployed and a quick...but safe response was made to the courthouse. Once the CERTs had set up; the on-duty crew was dispatched to begin suppression operations.
Several minutes later a firefighter simulated a fatigue condition and went to the ground.
Firefighters assisted their fallen team member to the CERT re-hab station where CERTs began by removing his SCBA equipment including his turnout clothing, while also monitoring his vital signs and re hydrating him.
All objectives for the exercise were met and although we hope something like this never occurs, we take comfort in knowing that we have such a talented and well trained auxiliary team to assist us when we need it most.

CERTs and OFD/ Firefighter staff that took place in the drill shown above are . . .
(back row): Peter Van Keuren, Dan Piermarini, Cathleen Piermarini, Collins Cochran, Suzie Fairbanks, Kevin Armbrust, and Assist. Fire Chief Robert Jennings,
(front row): Doug Johnson, Rachel Opinksy, David Harris, Susie Cochran, Kate Horton, Barbara Haas, Kevin Armbrust, Brian Kirkpatrick, and Fire Chief Larry Southard. On top of the fire truck are firefighters Thomas "Bubba" Mathews and Michael Parra. Also taking part in the drill were: Admin. Chief Tina Acosta.
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