A firefighter is using a drip torch to ignite a pile of brush. Brush burns are usually started at 5am to take advantage
of less windy conditions. Windy conditions can create problems, especially during the early stages of fire development.
Getting the blaze under control.

Oracle Fire Explorers (ages 14 to 18) help with a brush burn by watching for spot fires which can be started by
flying embers.
A brush burn in progress.
Burning piles of brush create their own mini weather conditions. Notice the fire whirls at the tip of the flames.
Dust devils are also created near the burning piles.
Occasionally the brush piles don't fully burn. Pulling apart the smoldering piles is required to get a full extinguishment. Notice the firefighters wearing their full wildland gear.
Their backpacks and equipment can weigh in excess of
40 pounds. This helps them get conditioned to working in actual wildfire conditions.