ORACLE MASTICATION PROJECT - Coronado National Forest (CNF) has completed a fuels reduction project in the Oracle area.
CNF is making a substantial investment to improve the wildfire safety of our community. Click HERE for an article on the project in the Arizona Daily Star.
Here are some photos of the area worked on. These photos were taken from Cody Loop where it cuts through Coronado National Forest near Durant Road. The area is where old piles of brush used to be. CNF had their contractor shred them with the mastication machine. The area now looks a lot like a park.
Click HERE & also on the MAP below for more details of the project.

The project is now complete.
Drive around Oracle and check it out. Click on map below to see the area involved.
At $300/acre, this may be the best investment in WFHF dollars the district has ever made. It is a "true" wildland urban interface environment. The town of Oracle has done an outstanding job cleaning up their side of the fence with Firewise and CWPP. The masticator is effectively matching their efforts to create a seamless shaded fuel break along the south side of town.
Click HERE & also on the MAP below for more details of the project.

Click HERE for a 2009 article in the Arizona Daily Star which explains why we need fuels reduction projects to protect our forests and our community.