A History of Patches –

Shown here is a few of our Fire Dept. patches including our current version.
New patch designs and other fire department logos must include the sailing ship "Oracle" in the design to be considered for department use. To find out more about the "Oracle," go to the website www.oracletown.com.
Wall of Patches – We are always willing to trade our patch for other fire dept. patches to display on our "wall of patches." Anyone who is interested in trading, please send your department patch along with a self-addressed envelope to Oracle Fire Department, PO Box 977, Oracle AZ 85623. We will promptly return one of our patches to you.
History –
Oracle Volunteer Fire District was formed in 1966 by 15 local citizens who became the town's first group of firefighters. The original fire station was located at 1010 Mt. Lemmon Highway.
In 1976, a new station was built at 1475 W. American Ave. and named Drake Station in honor of Architect Cecil Drake. Don Hartman was the fire chief for nearly 30 years until his retirement. Since Don's retirement, other Fire Chiefs have included: Ron Strawn, Manny Navarro, Allen Hartman, Clyde Hartman and Albert Ortiz. In 2013, Larry Southard became thenext first-hired (non-elected) Fire Chief for an indefinate length of time. The Fire Chief at present is Robert Jennings.
Oracle Fire Board –
In Nov. 2012, a newly-formed Oracle Fire Board was elected. That Board was made up of: Ellie Brown, Bill McMurray, Franky Hill, Bud Bristow, and Manny Navarro. All served four-year terms. The Board voted Larry Southard as the new Oracle Fire Chief.
Click HERE to find out more information on the present Fire Board.
A building addition, including new offices and sleeping quarters were added to Station One in 2005. The name "Drake Station" has been changed to "Station One." However, in keeping our history alive, the Drake shield (see photo above) was reinstalled on the front of the new addition. The vacant lot next door was recently purchased and plans to build a training center are being explored.
Since then, a new building has been added to the left of the main fire station. Lots of new updates have been incorporated.
Photo shown below is a firefighter turnout suit (recently donated by David Kuck) which was worn by OFD firefighters in the 1970s.

The 2001 photos above show the Oracle Fire Dept.
at the station and in the Oaks Festival Parade. Vehicles shown are the 1970 and 1980 engines.